Star Wars vs Star Trek site Index
Written: 1998.12.23
Last Revised: 2006.10.26
I Want YOU for the Galactic Empire: Main Star Wars vs Star Trek page
Technology: Main technology comparison overview
Myths: Breakdown of numerous sci-fi myths
Federation Industrial Capacity
Kuat Drive Yards Product Registration
Star Destroyer Pictures: Several key views of a KDY Star Destroyer
NDF Theory: Discussion of the exotic reaction necessary to explain phaser behaviour
Asteroid: Discussion of the TESB asteroid vapourizations
Death Star: Explanation of the 2.4E32 J gravitational binding energy estimate for Alderaan
Alderaan: Explanation of the 1E38 J estimate for the destruction of Alderaan
Calculator: Planetary parameter calculator. Gravity, horizon distance, etc. for any planet
Calculus: Brief introduction to the concept of integration
Millenium Falcon Kinematics: Discussion of MF turbolaser impact in TESB
Warp Core Power: An attempt to rationalize the widely varying power figure statements
Praxis: Discussion of subspace, as it relates to the Praxis explosion in ST6
Ground Combat Tachnology: A comparison of real-life, Star Wars, and Star Trek ground combat technology
Federation Engineering Report: The Leah Brahm Scandal
Tactics: Main tactical comparison overview
Naval Tactics: Comparison of real-life, Star Wars, and Star Trek naval tactics
Campaign: Imperial campaign plan for conquering the Federation
Trekkie Combat, Star Trek Combat, and Real Combat: A criticism of Trekkie combat ideas
Strategic Evaluation of Extra-Galactic Empire: An evaluation of the Empire from the Federation's point of view
Federation FTL Combat: Federation warp tactics
Imperial FTL Combat: Imperial hyperdrive tactics
Federation SCM: Federation space combat maneuvering tactics
Imperial SCM: Imperial space combat maneuvering tactics
Database: Searchable database of SW facts, ST facts, and common arguments
Fan Fiction: My own fan fiction
Conquest: A wayward starship finds itself trapped in Imperial space.
PDF Version: A downloadable version in Adobe's PDF format
Reign of Terror: A derelict ISD is found in Federation space.
Science: Discussion of real-life scientific principles
Constants: Some useful astronomical and physical constants
General Science: Some general scientific principles and laws
Pseudoscience: The name says it all
Heat: Some thermodynamics and heat transfer principles
Size Matters: The importance of size
Asteroid Destruction Calculator
Nuclear Weapons Effects Calculator
Essays: Miscellaneous discussions
Commandments of Sci-Fi: The curious rules of conduct in sci-fi :)
Quantum Mechanics in Star Trek: Discusses the neurotic over-use of the word "quantum" in ST dialogue
Racism in Star Wars and Star Trek
Sci-fi Debating Fallacies: Discusses numerous logical fallacies and deceptive debating tricks
Slippery Slope: Expanded explanation of the "slippery slope" logical fallacy
Engineering and Star Trek: The unrealistic engineering of Star Trek
Technobabblator: Star Wars quotes translated into Trek-ese
The Economics of Star Trek: My argument that the Federation is communist
The Communist Manifesto: My discussion of the failings of communism
Battles: Cross-universe battle scenarios
Star Trek Writing Standards: a critique of the way Star Trek shows are usually written
Star Wars vs Star Trek in Five Minutes: a critique of the way Star Trek shows are usually written
Science, the Grand Illusion, and Other Neat Stuff
Plasma Weapons: A very common but very bad sci-fi idea.
Hate Mail: Ignorant mail I've received from numerous detractors
Stilgar Episode IV: A False Hope
Stilgar Episode V: The Blowhard Strikes Back
Stilgar Episode VI: Return of the Sore Loser
SpaceBattles.Com Babies #2: Chris O'Farrell and Robert Mercer
SpaceBattles.Com Babies #3: IXJac
Robert Scott Anderson, aka Darkstar, aka Guardian 2000
Ryan Griffin, Self-Proclaimed PhD
Andrew Joshua Talon, Darkstar's Biggest Fan
Isaac Bishop Jr, aka "Virus-X"
Stewart Davies, aka the real James Bond
Links: Links to other sci-fi web sites
Site Index: This page
Movies: The three Special Edition classic trilogy movie posters
Abbreviations: Common Star Wars and Star Trek abbreviations
Canon: Rules for analyzing sci-fi "evidence"
Sources: List of canon and official sources used for this site
E-Mail: E-mail submission form
Trekkie Mail Templates: Common categories of Trekkie mail
Other SW and ST Links on the Main Page
AOTC Revelations: Technical revelations stemming from AOTC
TPM Revelations: Technical revelations stemming from TPM
STI Revelations: Review and technical revelations for Star Trek: Insurrection
Star Trek Nemesis: My infamous pictorial synopsis of Star Trek: Nemesis
Multimedia: Miscellaneous audio and video files
Other Sites Affiliated With or Owned By Me
Turbolaser Commentaries: Brian Young's Turbolaser Commentaries
Creationism: My infamous rants on the incredible stupidity of Creationism
Forum: Discussion Forum
Mike Wong home: My personal home page
The Happy Atheist: My other personal home page