Romulan Bird of Prey

Romulan "flagship" of the 23rd century
The Romulan Bird of Prey was a warship of the Romulan Star Empire built and deployed in the 23rd century. It appears in the TOS episode "Balance of Terror", in which it destroys several Federation outposts bordering the Romulan Neutral Zone. After a long chase, the ship is eventually destroyed by the USS Enterprise.
Technical Data
- The plasma torpedos carried by the Romulan ship were far more powerful than the phaser armament of the USS Enterprise, but their range was considerably shorter.
- While capable of warp speed, the Romulan ship did not have warp power, relying instead on impulse engines for all of its power generation.
- The Bird of Prey was the first Star Trek ship to demonstrate a cloaking device. The device made the ship invisible to normal light and targeting sensors, but it could still be detected with subspace motion detectors. The Enterprise was able to attack it by laying down patterns of fire in the area where its movement had been detected.