Before you make additions or changes to the Imperial Wiki, please familiarise yourself with the following policies and standards. If you have any suggestions, leave them on the talk page here and they'll get added if appropriate. Be warned that users who consistently ignore these policies and standards are likely to get banned at very short notice.
Plagiarism - it is totally unacceptable to cut and paste content from other websites. If you can't state ideas in your own words, leave a link to your source in the talk page and someone will look over it later.
References - while we don't have the reference functionality at the moment, I'd like contributors to leave links to their sources in talk pages - this way when references are implemented, these links can be installed in the article.
Headings - please don't overuse headings. Every paragraph does not need a heading.
Images - it is almost always better to use the thumbnail functionality instead of inlining a full-size image.