The Complete Shit List
The complete Shitlist is a compliation by The SDN chronicles usergroup to collect data about each and every troll that has passed through SDN.
Here is a list of every troll, moron, or VI I was able to find. So now, you have much less work to do. All you have to do now is click search, type in the username, get the posts, open the profile and get all the data you need. A job that takes 5 minutes. So, just start at the beginning of the list and go down until its done. For deleted accounts, its harder, so don't bother with them unless you want to. Also, if you remeber a troll that I missed, inform me.
- TK =troll kingdom
- WCOTC = World Church of the Creator
- EF = Elite Fitness
- PF = Plainfield punks
- SC = Scooter Cockgoblin
- VI = Village Idiot
- FM = Fundamentalist Moron
- WTPF = Worthless Trolling Palmfucker
The Name List
- ^^
- --Leia-- (really creepy guy)
- 0.1
- 1337n1nj4
- 1suprjesusfreak
- Acacia
- Acclamator (Deimos sockpuppet)
- acton12 (Commercial spammer)
- Adama
- Admiral_Handsome
- Admiral TDM (leet sniper)
- Ahurazithramis
- Ai Phling Pu
- Alexandrov
- Allbran_Sustain (incomplete)
- Alyrium Denryle
- Andrew Joshua Talon (VI)
- Arcen
- Arminius
- Arminius II (Arminius' sockpuppet)
- Assassin X
- Australopithicus (FM)
- Avatar of Narendra III (SC)
- AWACS (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Axis Cast
- Azeron
- bahamutzero (Plainfield punk, sock puppet of Stonesour knight)
- Barton
- Bastard (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Ben Ingram
- believeyourbeliefs (idiot)
- BlkbrryTheGreat (WTPF)
- boc120
- boggy b (troll, idiot)
- BoredShirtless (banned)
- bozman
- Bruc Lee
- cabal_88 (WCOTC)
- cabal1488 (cabal_88's sockpuppet)
- Cabwi Desco
- Captain_Birdseye (Enebran_Tain's sockpuppet)
- Carboxylus (spaceluigi's sockpuppet)
- Citruscide (EF, Deleted, troll)
- Chuckg (VI)
- Chmee
- Colonel Bill (commercial spammer)
- Colonel_Maybourne
- Cornelius (Strate_Egg's sockpuppet)
- CrazyShanker
- creationistalltheway (FM)
- cyclonefever (Talon Karrde's sock, not banned)
- Cyma
- Daedalus (Arminius sockpuppet)
- Dakarne
- daonesith (WTPF)
- Dark Hellion
- Dark Sider
- DarkStar
- Darkstar Wannabe (WTPF)
- Darth Atrox
- Darth Cirrocu (FM)
- Darthnidankendo (sockpuppet of darth kendo)
- darth kendo apprentice
- DarthSikle (TK)
- Darth_Shinji
- Darth Valdemar (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Darth W0ng
- data_link
- David Deas (DBZ wanker)
- Daystrom (TK)
- Deimos Anomaly
- DocMoriarty
- ecky
- Eddy the Very Great
- Elfdart
- Elim Garak (Trekkie idiot)
- Emperor Palpatine (idiot)
- Enabran_Tain (blithering idiot)
- europimpin (troll)
- EvilGrey
- faceman (TK)
- Falcon
- Fleet Admiral Thompson (Scooter cockgoblin)
- Frackal (EF, deleted) aka EliteFitness Moron #10
- Franc28
- Frankenerd (Stewie's sockpuppet)
- Fred Durst
- fightingmad (troll, banned)
- Galaxy (WTPF)
- GC (banned)
- GoneCrazy
- Gordonfrost
- Got-Damned Hippie (plainfiled)
- GRAND ADMIRAL HAMILTON (trekkie, deleted)
- GrandAdmiralPrawn
- Grendel
- Gricksigger
- Grimnir (RDJ sock)
- Guldilox (troll, banned, aka DarthW0ng)
- guldulac (troll, banned)
- Gunner (Deimos sock)
- Gustav32Vasa
- GUTB ("Guy Under the Bridge"-troll)
- h0rus
- Hammer (Deimos sockpupet)
- hilaryduff (erased)
- Hobbes (troll/idiot)
- Holtzman (idiot)
- horatio
- Hyperion
- HyperionX
- Ignorant twit (idiot)
- Imperialist (troll, banned, account deleted)
- Imperium ^2 (dog beater)
- Jake99
- Jason Gastrich 1 (fundie spammer)
- JeanLucPicard
- Jean Paul (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Jessie Stamos (banned)
- jezrianna
- Jimmy Hat (EF)
- jodathalas (plainfield punk, pardoned)
- JodoForce
- John
- John Clark
- Jonathan (FM, aka Jonathan Boyd of ASVS fame and Mike's sig)
- Jonathanos (Hulk Wanker)
- Jonsan (FM)
- Jove (idiot)
- jubjub27 (sock of mwoods, banned)
- Jupono (plainfield)
- Justin (troll/idiot)
- Kazeite (VI)
- Kelly_Donald (patkelly's little friend)
- KK
- Kohr-Ah
- Kojikun
- kokuwagata
- Kruk
- Lena (pedophile)
- Long Wang
- Lord_Jax
- Lord of the Abyss
- Lord Sauron-Tyranus-Vader (Troll)
- Lucifer
- Luthor
- mad_wookie
- Manji (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Markb
- Master of Bayshon
- Me Krazee (troll, EF?, banned)
- Metavac
- midasmulligan (WTPF, from SA)
- Mikal768
- Mike_6002 (no comment necessary, VI)
- Minion of Z'Ha'Dum
- Mitth`raw`nuruodo
- Mohammed (Pro-eugenics Nazi Asshole-that'd be his Title)
- Mr. Anderson
- Mr. Me (banned)
- Mudry (commercial spammer)
- mwm1331
- mwoods4107 (troll)
- non_casuality
- novel (troll)
- oblique (troll)
- Obloquium (revprez sockpuppet)
- Omega-13
- Olanigan
- Order2Chaos (TK, deleted)
- Paris (trekkie of the most hilarious variety)
- patkelly (not BANNED)
- Pavel
- Penile Implant (WTPF)
- personanongrata (troll)
- pezcollectorguy (troll)
- Pine Tree
- Pink Eye
- Planetary Eulogy
- porkboy696 (trekkie idiot)
- Predator
- Priesto(FM)
- ProphetofFools
- PukeFagStalker (troll, EF, deleted)
- punkgothippie
- PurpleTattoo
- Queen Tamar Garish (TK)
- qwertyuiop (racist spammer troll)
- Raoul Duke, Jr.
- Ravengrim
- RayCav of ASVS
- Revan
- revprez (incomplete)
- Robert Walper
- RonMaginnis842
- sar2 (trekkie)
- Reject (troll)
- Scrubula (banned)
- Semage (FM)
- Series1RX7
- Shadow (Troll?)
- ShAoLiN
- Sith God
- Sokartawi
- Soundwave
- Sovereign (VI)
- spaceluigi (WTPF)
- spikenigma
- SpiceGirlsRule (TK, deleted)
- SpyderBarque (WCOTC)
- Star Wars Fan
- Stewart at SDI
- stonesour knight (plainfield)
- Storm Rucker
- Strate_Egg
- Superman (pardoned)
- Super-Gagme
- T-1000
- T'Bonz (TK, banned at my suggestion)
- Tanizaki
- Talon Karrde
- Ted
- Terrance_philip (banned)
- The Admiral (trekkie, VI)
- The Apologist (FM)
- TheAtheistKing (VI)
- The Cleric
- the marshal
- The Question (TK)
- timbola
- tjhairball (SC)
- Tod zu den Idioten (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Totenkopf (Deimos sockpuppet)
- Trek and Buffy Suck
- Triforcer (trekkie moron)
- Trinity
- Trooper TK12746
- User099
- U.S.S. Enterprise (trekkie, deleted)
- Uther (banned)
- Vicious Enigma (AssassinX's sockpuppet)
- Wazzzzzzuuuuup (TK, deleted)
- WingZero (trekkie troll)
- Wiseman (commercial spammer)
- yana
- Yarcamos (Tallon karde's sock, banned)
- Yuri
- zagnutboy
- Zod (DBZ wanker)