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The Domination of the Draka is the name of the titular faction in a series of Alternate History novels written by SM Stirling.


The point of divergence in the series is that the Netherlands declares war on the British Empire during the American Revolutionary war, eventually leading the British to take over the Dutch Cape Colonies (renaming it Drakia after Sir Francis Drake, which eventually gets corrupted to Draka) and has it's population bolstered by Loyalists, German Mercenaries, French Nobles and Confederates. They turn to conquering Africa, enslaving it's population as they go through the 19th century, getting around abolitionism by re-designating their slaves as 'serfs'. As they go, the free white population of the Draka creates an ideology that divides the world into two groups: themselves, who are fit to rule the world, and everyone else, who are to be enslaved.


The ruling class of the Domination of the Draka are genetically modified humans called Homo Sapiens Drakensis. They have superhuman strength, endurance, toughness, intelligence, and longevity. Draka also generate pheromones that cause humans to react to them favorably. Draka can consciously adjust the intensity of these pheromones, ranging from a subtle positive disposition to inducing overwhelming lust. Prolonged exposure to Draka pheromones will essentially brainwash any ordinary human into a loyal follower. Draka may receive medical procedures to further increase their physical attributes; such modifications are especially common for members of the Draka military.

The working class of the Domination are also genetically modified humans known as Homo Sapiens Servus. They have no superhuman attributes, but they are inherently docile and obedient to the Draka, largely because they are especially susceptible to Draka pheromones.


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